Thursday, February 14, 2008

HaPpY vALenTiNeS dAy...

My little valentine!!


Anonymous said...
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Rustino Scar said...

just stumbled upon your blog again. KILLER PLAYLIST! also, you guys and your children are beautiful. i hope you're doing well.


Hey it's good to hear from you! I'm glad you found me, now we can keep in touch this way! K I don't think that I've even seen your little boy, he is so adorable. How cute! We want to come down to Provo soon, I'll let ya know when we do so we can get together. It was good to hear from you!

Ben, Rebecca, Natali, Isaac, Spencer said...

Hey...aren't blogs great! It's so fun to see pictures of your kids! They are just as cute as can be! They do grow up way too fast! I feel like it even more with #2! I just get so sad with every little milestone he accomplishes because it means he is getting older. Maybe I am just weird! Cute blog!

Marcistar said...

Pretty flowers Jen!!! And Dax is cuter than ever!!! Did you guys do anything fun?

Anonymous said...
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Williams Fam said...

I swear Dax looks so much like his uncle Mikey to me!!!