Tuesday, June 15, 2010

AqUaRiUm aNd ZoO...

While in Utah, we stayed with Ashlee and Shay for a few days and then at my Grandma Janet's the rest of the time! My grandma is an amazing artist so while we were there, the kids made hours and hours worth of art and pictures! Kaylin loved using the pastels (which was always my favorite thing to do at her house when I was little) and she taught Dax how to draw a face with all the little details (meaning eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hair, arms, legs, etc...)! It was quite an accomplishment! And Kaylin kept amazing us with such creative and imaginative pictures! We had such a wonderful time!!

Kaylin dressing up like a "queen" as she says in all of Grandma Janet's jewelry and makeup!

Swimming at her pool!

The Aquarium
I was amazed at how much Kaylin and Dax loved the aquarium! They are both so fascinated with aquatic life and all of the interesting animals here!! We could spent half the day here and I could still barely get them out!

This is a little button you can put your finger on and it sends like an electric shock through your body. We all could only touch it for a few seconds at a time. Not Dax...he kept holding it and holding it and we couldn't believe it!!!

Not sure what is happening in this pic. but Kaylin is definitely giving me attitude by the look on her face!

Hogle Zoo
We had to make a little trip to the zoo with Tara, Banks, and Berkley! They of course had fun seeing all of the animals, riding the carousel, and their favorite...the train!!!

After the zoo, we met up with Jen, Blake and Bailey at Fashion Place Mall for one last play date!

PiRaTe'S aNd DiNoSaUrS...

Next, we were off to Pirate's Island with Shay and Ashlee! A nice change from our typical Chuck E Cheese outings!!!

Dinosaur Museum
We met Mike, Ashlee, Tibett and Trey for a fun morning at the dinosaur museum. Kaylin definitely has a little crush on her cousin Trey! She told me that he is her "prince charming" and she wants to marry him when she gets older! When I was getting her ready this morning I asked her how she wants to wear her hair? She replied, "Mom, I need to wear it down so that Trey will think I am beautiful!" So cute and hilarious!!

Eating at Cafe Rio!

JuMpiN jAcKs aNd DaNciNg...

Well, here is to the beginning of our summer adventure...the kids and I decided to drive back to Utah with Mike and Ashlee! Breton was already out for the summer so we decided to visit friends and family for a week before we headed out to Memphis, TN (a last minute change from Cincinnati)! Anyway, we had so much fun visiting and hanging out!!! Here we are at good old "Jumpin Jacks" with Tara, Banks, and Berkley!!!

Kaylin and Dax shaking it at a wedding reception!!!

DeRbY pArTy...

So every year my dad plays in a golf tournament in Fresno the 1st weekend in May! Now that we live there, the whole family decided to come out and visit!!! And of course with it being the 1st Saturday of May, we had to celebrate the tradition of the KY derby from our "Old Kentucky Home!" (Minus the mint juleps :)) We had all of my dad's side of the family over for the Derby party...such a fun afternoon!

The winners of our horse picks: Win, Place, and Show! Dad won with the horse named "Super Saver!" (So appropriate and hilarious my dad got this horse...and of course, it was his $$ that provided the prizes!) So he really was a "super saver!" Garrett was 2nd and Ash was 3rd!

Reagan, Garrett, KK, and Dax!


The fam. without the working hubbies!

Roasting marshmallows and making smores at our campfire...another one the kids favorite things to do! Kaylin calls it, "Having a campout!"