Wednesday, January 21, 2009

LaSt MoNtH aT A gLaNcE...

Well this last month has been pretty busy with all of the holidays! We spent Christmas and New Year's in California with Breton's family and had such a fun time!!! The weather in Utah is snowy and cold so it was nice to get away for a little while! So here is a little recap of our last month! :)

Kaylin's 1st Day of Primary! Seriously, where does the time go?!!!

Making cupcakes with Ashlee and snowed for a full 24 hours!


Kaylin loved her Hannah Montana outfit, hair, and microphone! I think she wore it for 3 days straight!! :)

My parents got the kids this fun Escalade car!!! They LOVED it...too bad our street is covered in snow!

Christmas morning at Grandma and Papa Stout's!!

Making a Gingerbread house with her cousin Keith!

Dax and Papa!

We went up to Chico to visit Amber, Todd, and the boys! We went over to the park and attempted to take a family picture! As you can didn't go too well!!! :) However, I did get a few cute ones of the kiddos!!