Thursday, July 16, 2009

MiScHiEf aNd MoVieS...

Well, Dax has a new fascination with toilets!  He loves everything about them!  He loves to flush them, put LOTS of toilet paper in them (among other things), clean, brush, name it!!  He has already broken our toilet once and I am sure it will not be the last!  Now whenever it gets really quiet or I hear a door shut, I head straight to the bathroom and this is usually what I find!  So I figured this time to take my camera with me to document this little man's obsession at the moment!  Today he decided to flush (or try to flush) tanning lotions!  One of his favorite's is to put diapers in the toilet!  Does this mean he is ready to be potty trained?!!!  Such a little Stinker!! 

Taking naps together!

So both of my kids love these fold out couch beds!  They love to watch movies on them, build forts, etc...  They are the greatest things ever!  Not to mention, every night either Breton or I fall asleep on them while watching a show!  They are super comfy!!!  It must be a summer thing because back at home they never get used!!!

A few weeks ago I took the kids to see Monsters Vs. Aliens with their friend Chris!!  They actually do really well in movies now!!  Do you think it has anything to do with the large amounts of candy I bring and movie theater popcorn?!! :)  They just think it is so fun!!! 

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