Wednesday, May 6, 2009

SaLt LaKe MaRaThOn...

So on April 18th we all ran in the Salt Lake Marathon...And we decided to make it a girls weekend!  On Friday night we went to see "17 Again" and then stayed at Club Monaco in Salt Lake...Thanks to Hannah for the hotel room!!!  Then we were right downtown to catch the trax to take us to the starting line up at the University of Utah!!  We all had such a great time!!!

Just after the race...My mom and Ashlee did the half and Alicia and I did the full! So proud of you mom!!!


Rustino Scar said...

oh wow! Congrats! Look at you girls! That is great that you got to do it all together. It seems like you guys had fun. At least you put your happy faces on for the camera

Streeters said...

Wow!...I am proud of Your mom too. My Friend Layne did the half too.

Amy said...

That's awesome! Someday.... I will do a half marathon. You are all adorable, even after all that running. Way to go!