Well, every year it is a Coleman (my mom's side of the family) tradition to go to the Cottonwood Club for brunch and an Easter egg hunt for the kids! Kaylin had lots of fun finding the eggs...and of course it's always great to see all of our family!!
What a stud!
how fun! don't you love holidays so much more now that you have kiddies??? yours are darling!!!!
It was so fun to see you and your family for Easter...it is too bad it only happens once or twice a year! Your kids are darling!
Looks like so much fun! I am so sad we missed it, my dad has to do the whole "in-law' thing again and went to California to see Melinda's parents. It's kinda funny! Also, Travis was "on call" for work so there was no way be could have made it. So I'm glad we atleast got to see some pics! By the way I would still love a Rose family update.
How fun. I love family traditions. I appreciate them so much more now that I am doing them for my own kids. It's great.
JEN!! You have the most beautiful family. It's fun to see your blog and what you have been up to!
Dax looks so good in his daddy's glasses! Easter is so much better when you have kids! How come you look so amazing in ever picture??
What a fun tradition! Those pictures are so cute! Dax with those sunglasses...so cute!!!
Yeah! Thanks for the family update, that's exciting Ashley may be getting married soon! Possibly another La Caille wedding? We are all doing good, Cliff is just dating the same girl on and off...I can't keep up with him. Dad and Melinda are doing really well I think, we just met them for luch at Chuck E. Cheese and they are cute little newly weds still! Our baby is due August 1st and will be about exactly 2 years younger than Carson. Life is good for us!
I love your pictures Jen and your family is so adorable and you look so good. Easter and holidays are so fun especially with kids
jen these are great. they look so cute in their easter outfits.
Looks like you had a fun time. I love Easter. Your kids are always so cute and you always look beautiful!
the kids look so cute! You and Breton do too... Call me when you get a chance. I need some advice on my fitness... or lack there of.
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