Monday, August 20, 2007

Back to the Lake...

So Kaylin loves to hide behind this couch at the is her secret little hiding place. She thinks she is really sneaky!!

Mike caddying for Breton!

So every year the boys play in The Resorter's Golf Tournament in Minnesota the first week in August. This is Breton's 2nd year playing and he and Mike had fun watching each other. It is a matchplay tournament so they would caddy for each other as well. The last day was really fun because they both won their matches and ended up playing each other!!

KK and her 3 girls at Bugaboo Bay!


The Thompson's said...

ok, Hi mega-tan family! You all got blessed with the dark skin. Looks like the lake is so much fun and I'm sure you love to visit with your fam! Kaylin looks so grown up and is so beautiful!

Lisanne Lee said...

Jen-ok-I can't take it. KK is just too much for me. Your little family is just adorable and I couldn't be more happy for you and the new addition. Life must be different now with a little boy in the mix...thanks for your comments. Keep us posted. I've added you to my list of friends and am showing off your blog to my family. Hope you don't mind- loves, the Lee's

Williams Fam said...

It looks so beautiful out there!! Someday we'll have to come see if for ourselves!! It's good to see pics of the fam!! I sure miss all of you!!!