Monday, August 20, 2007

The Chicago Gang...

Wow...I can't believe the summer is almost over. We only have 1 week left in Chicago--it has gone by so fast. (Partly because I have been traveling most of the summer) It was so nice to spend the time out here with our friends!!

Kaylin's 2nd Birthday!!

Back to the Lake...

So Kaylin loves to hide behind this couch at the is her secret little hiding place. She thinks she is really sneaky!!

Mike caddying for Breton!

So every year the boys play in The Resorter's Golf Tournament in Minnesota the first week in August. This is Breton's 2nd year playing and he and Mike had fun watching each other. It is a matchplay tournament so they would caddy for each other as well. The last day was really fun because they both won their matches and ended up playing each other!!

KK and her 3 girls at Bugaboo Bay!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Growing So Fast...

A Little Diva... She loves to wear her sunglasses around the house! She thinks she is a lot older than just 2!!

I can't believe Dax is already 4 months old! It is really fun to see the difference in personalities... Dax just chills while KK demands all of the attention! Thank goodness he is such a good baby!!

KK and Banks...

Kaylin and Banks have had so much fun together this summer in Chicago...sometimes they are a little out of control!!