So we went to the beach for a few days with Susan, Amber, and the boys! It was so much fun to let the kids play together! Just one problem... Kaylin does not do well at the beach. She is definitely a girl who does not like to get dirty. She obsesses over any little thing that gets on her hands and feet and has been that way ever since I can remember. Needless to say, she does NOT like the sand so I spent the whole day holding her. I put her down for one second and she pretty much had a freak out. She was perfectly content just watching everyone play while she sat on her clean towel or while I held her! Hopefully she grows out of that real soon!!
Just trying to get a picture with her by the egg that has her "KK" nickname in it, but as you can see she is not very happy... her feet are on the sand!
Trying to get her to walk to Amber...she seriously just stood there not moving an inch!
Standing on the sand at the park:
It seemed victorious that she was just standing there on the sand. I think she was at first in shock and I thought for sure it would be worth it to her to take just one step towards safety. Boy was I totally wrong.
I'm crying right now looking at these pictures. I miss ya'll SO bad. Come back!!!!
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