Well for those of you who don't know, we finally made the move to California on January 29th! (Which is part of the reason I have been a major slacker at keeping up with our blog!) I know we are always moving around (temporarily) from state to state during the summer for Breton's job, but now we actually moved away permanently! It has really been bitter/sweet (well for me at least :) ... Breton couldn't wait to get away from the cold)! Here are the kiddos playing in the snow and making a snowman with daddy!

Kate and Danny were so nice to have some of our friends over for a little dinner and to say goodbye! (Unfortunately I didn't get a group shot) So here are a few pics...we sure are missing everyone! Love you all!!!

Tara, Me, Kate

KK and Dax with their cute friends!!! This little bunch have been buddies since the day they were born! :) Kaylin tells me often that she misses her "Utah friends!"

Breton, Taylor, Grant
Kaylin saying goodbye to her preschool at Wonderland Academy!!
Mrs. Elna was such a great teacher!

Here is Kaylin's bff at preschool...Abigail! She would always talk about her and told me she is really going to miss her!