Well, it has taken me forever to finally post these last pictures from the holidays! So here it is...months late! :)
New Year's with the Clevelands!!!
Great Grandma Pretzie!
Kaylin dressing up in my boots and hat! She loves to wear her sundresses...even if it is December!!

So this is my VERY favorite thing right now!! This is how Dax folds his arms to say a prayer! He puts his little hands in a fist and places them under his chin, then puts his head down! Not real sure where he got it from, but we love it!!!

Bowling with the Stout Family!

Kaylin's Christmas dance recital! It was so cute to see all of these girls dancing!!! Kinda funny story: They had these big stockings that they would get in and out of as part of the dance and in one section they lay them down on the floor so they can slide back into them. Anyway, Kaylin had to make sure hers was perfectly flat...not a corner turned over! She spent a lot of the dance "fixing" her stocking and the girls next to her! The teacher came over and started to help her finish faster so she could join back in! Not too surprising if you know KK's personality!! Breton and I were dying!!! :)